In this message Phil looks at some of the hard sayings of Jesus in Luke 12 and 13, and why engaging with, rather than dismissing these gospel moments is so important.
Jesus teaches that one of the keys to a ‘blessed’ and happy life is simply to hear his voice and follow it. It’s so simple and yet at times we find it so hard.
Looking at the story of the ‘good Samaritan’ in Luke 10 Sarah talks about how the sacrifice of Jesus enables us live out the call to love our neighbour as ourselves.
In Luke 10 Jesus sends his disciples out into the world announcing that the “harvest is plentiful” and that he is the “Lord of the harvest.” Jesus is similarly challenging us not simply to be people who come to him, but a people who are sent by him to be his messengers out into the city.
In this message, Vahé looks at Jesus’ invitation for us to become like Him. In collaboration with the Spirit, Jesus invites us to learn from Him and imitate Him.
In this message, Vahé looks at Jesus’ invitation for us to become like Him. In collaboration with the Spirit, Jesus invites us to learn from Him and imitate Him.
Sarah looks at Luke 5 where Simon Peter was called to leave his day job as a fisherman and partner with Jesus to fish for men. She looks at how, empowered by the spirit, we also get to Partner with God in proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and at what we can learn from Simon Peter about obedience, trust and surrender.
Jesus announces the Kingdom manifesto and that he is the Kingdom bringer. But although he is the King that Israel has been waiting for, he is not the one they are expecting. We see again that the kingdom is both counter cultural and so often counter intuitive for us all.
In this message Phil looks at some of the hard sayings of Jesus in Luke 12 and 13, and why engaging with, rather than dismissing these gospel moments is so important.
26th Nov 2023 | Phil Varley
In this message Phil speaks from Luke 13 and the story of bigger barns and how if we want to live a big life, we must settle the ownership issue.
19th Nov 2023 | Phil Varley
Jesus teaches that one of the keys to a ‘blessed’ and happy life is simply to hear his voice and follow it. It’s so simple and yet at times we find it so hard.
12th Nov 2023 | Phil Varley
Looking at the story of the ‘good Samaritan’ in Luke 10 Sarah talks about how the sacrifice of Jesus enables us live out the call to love our neighbour as ourselves.
5th Nov 2023 | Sarah Varley
In Luke 10 Jesus sends his disciples out into the world announcing that the “harvest is plentiful” and that he is the “Lord of the harvest.” Jesus is similarly challenging us not simply to be people who come to him, but a people who are sent by him to be his messengers out into the city.
29th Oct 2023 | Phil Varley
In this message, Vahé explores what discipleship entails and how there is nothing better for us to do in this moment than to live in the Kingdom.
22nd Oct 2023 | Vahé Jebejian
In this message from Luke 8, Phil speaks about the presence of evil, the beginnings of freedom, the intent of Jesus and the power of a story.
15th Oct 2023 | Phil Varley
In this message, Vahé looks at Jesus’ invitation for us to become like Him. In collaboration with the Spirit, Jesus invites us to learn from Him and imitate Him.
8th Oct 2023 | Vahé Jebejian
In this message, Vahé looks at Jesus’ invitation for us to become like Him. In collaboration with the Spirit, Jesus invites us to learn from Him and imitate Him.
1st Oct 2023 | Vahé Jebejian
In this message, Phil looks at Luke’s account of the beatitudes, and how Jesus calls us into a radically new way of viewing the world and what counts.
24th Sep 2023 | Phil Varley
Sarah looks at Luke 5 where Simon Peter was called to leave his day job as a fisherman and partner with Jesus to fish for men. She looks at how, empowered by the spirit, we also get to Partner with God in proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and at what we can learn from Simon Peter about obedience, trust and surrender.
17th Sep 2023 | Sarah Varley
Jesus announces the Kingdom manifesto and that he is the Kingdom bringer. But although he is the King that Israel has been waiting for, he is not the one they are expecting. We see again that the kingdom is both counter cultural and so often counter intuitive for us all.
10th Sep 2023 | Phil Varley
Phil opens our series from Luke looking at the calling of John the Baptist, and the challenge to receive Jesus as the King.
3rd Sep 2023 | Phil Varley