Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Joshua 1 - shaped by faith

God consistently speaks into Joshua courage, strength and boldness. He knows that for Joshua to step into all that God has for him, he will need faith. In this message we consider how to live lives more shaped by faith than by fear.

15th Sep 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Joshua 1, Going well

In this final message about walking through change, Phil talks the importance of leaving well, acknowledging loss and choosing what we take with us into the future.

1st Sep 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

The Joshua generation

The difference between ‘getting out’ and ‘getting in. Why was it that Joshua’s generation managed to step into the inheritance that God had promised, and yet the generation before didn’t? In this message we consider the importance of cultivating a receptive heart that can respond with more faith than doubt when it comes to following Jesus.

25th Aug 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Joshua seasons of change

In this mini series we are looking at how to navigate seasons of change. In Joshua 1 the Lord speaks to Joshua and tells him it is time to move and inherit the land. In this talk we consider the importance both as a church family and as individuals, of seeking God’s guidance and learning to hear his voice.

18 Aug 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Lazarus, it’s in your blood

In this message from John 11 we look at the raising of Lazarus. We see again the importance of faith and how Jesus wants us to trust him today especially in the seasons which are confusing and painful.

14th July 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Where are you going to sit?

In this message we look at Luke 14 and Jesus’ message to the Pharisees the ‘seats of honour.’ We consider the call on us as Christians to be those who don’t make ourselves the centre of the story but rather ‘open the door’ for others.

7th July 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

“Soul hunger” - The feeding of the 5000

In this message we look at how this story speaks of the ‘soul hunger’ we all carry, Jesus’ intent to satisfy that desire, and how he chooses to work with and through the church to do just that.

9th June 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian


In this message we consider Jesus’ challenge and invitation to ‘treasure’ the right things and to “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” We consider what this means and how what we do about this issue has such a critical impact on our lives.

2nd June 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

The discipline of celebration

Today we celebrate 2 years as a church plant in Rotterdam. In this message we explore the importance of stopping, reflecting , giving thanks and celebrating.

26th May 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Blind Bartimaeus - not so blind after all

There is something about Bartimaeus’ shout that stops Jesus, something about the way he reached out that appears to have attract the attention of Jesus.

In this message we consider what we can learn from Bartimaeus and his encounter with Jesus, and how Jesus responds in way we don’t expect.

5th May 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Zacchaeus - salvation language

In this message we explore Jesus’ radical desire to ‘seek and save’ lost people, and what a great response to the gospel looks like.

21st April 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

John 2, Water into wine

This is the start of a new series called ‘Jesus Stories’. In this message we explore the significance of Jesus turning gallons of water into the very best wine.

7th April 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Resurrection day

As we give thanks for Easter Sunday and all that it means, we consider Matthew’s account and some of the first ‘resurrection moments’ recorded and what they tell us about the gospel.

31st Mar 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

The Last supper

As we build towards Easter, we look at the Last Supper and consider the importance of this meal that Jesus invites his followers to participate in.

17th Mar 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

A People of Purpose

In the final message of the series, Phil unpacks the conviction we carry, that God has called us together in Rotterdam for great kingdom purpose.

3rd Mar 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

A people of his Presence

In this message, we explore what it means to be a people who believe in and experience the presence of God. We look at the impact this has on how we are the church together and how we live out our lives as followers of Jesus.

25th Feb 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

A people of faith

In this message we look at how we are called to be believers, and how faith is the critical quality of the people of God.

11th Feb 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

What kind of people? People people.

We are starting a new series looking at the kind of church we want to be. In this message Phil Varley talks about how the church should always be a place where people matter.

4th Feb 2024 | Phil Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian


Jesus tells his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. In this message Phil speaks about the challenge and opportunity of waiting, and how the Spirit is present to help us ‘wait well.’

21st Jan 2024 | Phil Varley

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