Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian


In this final message of the series, we look at what it means when Jesus calls his disciples to firstly leave their former lives and then to “go” out into the world and to bear fruit.

28th Jan 2024 | Sarah Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian


Sarah and Phil Varley continue our series looking at the radical call to follow Jesus and what that means.

14th Jan 2024 | Phil Varley, Sarah Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

How to love your neighbour?

Looking at the story of the ‘good Samaritan’ in Luke 10 Sarah talks about how the sacrifice of Jesus enables us live out the call to love our neighbour as ourselves.

5th Nov 2023 | Sarah Varley

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

An amazing invitation to spirit enabled partnership

Sarah looks at Luke 5 where Simon Peter was called to leave his day job as a fisherman and partner with Jesus to fish for men. She looks at how, empowered by the spirit, we also get to Partner with God in proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and at what we can learn from Simon Peter about obedience, trust and surrender.

17th Sep 2023 | Sarah Varley

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